Sales Force

sales optimization

You are responsible for sales force teams and you schedule the routes of your salespeople and representatives on the ground:

  • You need to organize the optimal order in which sales staff visit their customers to increase efficiency.
  • You also want to improve the visibility of your sales force teams' activities and make it easier for them to find their bearings on the route.

The combination of your customers' data and mapping tools enables you to optimize your sales activity.

The sales teams know exactly where their customers and prospects are located and can quickly view their sector's coverage.

Sales managers can distribute customers between sales personnel based on actual or potential turnover and geographical data. They can also optimize sales routes and direct and supervise calls made on the ground.

Geographical analysis and territory balancing based on turnover

If he is operating independently, the salesperson can use geographical analysis tools to define his call priorities (identification of customers/prospects, displaying the dates on which the last order was placedā€¦).

Redistricting a sales territory is also a valuable tool for sales team managers. It makes it possible to balance the allocation of customers and potential turnover between sales personnel and to define equal sectors. It also enables you to set realistic sales targets and motivate your teams.

Optimising sales movements

Route optimisation solutions enable you to calculate the optimal routes for your salespeople or representatives. routes itinerary calculations take account of the geographical location of the customers to be visited, cartographic and road data and business constraints:

  • Customer call timeslots, team timetables, costs per kilometreā€¦
  • Your sales teams are working with optimised and profitable schedules backed up with road maps so they won't waste any time navigating to their destination on the ground.
  • Your field sales staff no longer waste time preparing their routes. They spend less time on the road and more time with their customers.

Directing sales activity

Mobile team scheduling and fleet tracking solutions enable you to direct and supervise the activity of your sales forces.

You know your teams' schedules and their associated travel costs and have visibility of their activity in real-time.

You thereby have greater visibility of your sales activity and can analyse your routes itineraries and adjust your strategy.

Our solutions and data

GEOCONCEPT offers a range of geographical optimisation solutions covering all the needs relating to the management of sales resources.

Address geocoding solution

Accurately and precisely locating the geographical address of your prospects and customers is an indispensable step in obtaining reliable and accurate calculations.

Thanks to geocoding tools and automatic address verification, the information captured in the contact database is of superior quality.

Territory redistricting solution

Territory redistricting enables you to distribute your customers based on turnover and distance to be travelled to balance your routes between your sales personnel.

Route optimisation solutions

Our sales route optimisation solutions enable you to calculate the most profitable routes itineraries based on cartographic and road data and your business constraints.

Vehicle fleet and mobile team tracking

GEOCONCEPT provides you with a vehicle tracking and fleet management platform. You know where your teams are in real-time and can direct their activities.


GEOCONCEPT collaborates with the main players in the cartographic data market, guaranteeing reliable and relevant results.